Color gradients
Fallback font

Panel Text Settings assets

UI Toolkit stores project-wide text settings in the Panel Text Settings asset. UI Toolkit uses a default Panel Text Settings asset for your text objects.

For runtime UI, you can create and assign a Panel Text Settings asset to the Panel Setting asset, and edit the text setting properties:

  • To create a Panel Text Settings, select Assets > Create > UI Toolkit > Text Settings. This creates a Panel Text Settings asset with the default values.
  • To assign a Panel Text Settings to a Panel Setting, select the Panel Setting and drag the Panel Text Settings to the Text Settings field in the Inspector window.

Note: In the current release, you can’t change the default Panel Text Settings for Editor UI.

This section describes all the properties for the Panel Text Settings asset. The Panel Text Settings asset controls the default values for all text objects used within that Panel.

You can edit the paths to store the font assets, sprite assets, custom style sheets, and the color gradient presets. The paths must be a sub-folder of a Resources folder. Create a Resources folder if you don’t have one in your project.

Default Font Asset

After you create a font asset from a font file, you must place it in the path set to store all the font assets.

프로퍼티 설명
Default Font Asset Default font to use when you create a new text object.
Path Path to store all the font assets.

Font Assets Fallback

Manage the global fallback font assets list for this font asset.

Note: The local fallback set in the Font Asset Properties has precedence over the global fallback .

프로퍼티 설명
Fallback Font Assets List Click + and - to add and remove font slots.
Click the circle icon next to a font to open an Object Picker where you can choose a font asset.
Drag the handles on the left side of any font asset to reorder the list.

Dynamic Font System Settings

Project-wide settings to handle missing glyphs.

프로퍼티 설명
Missing Character Unicode Unicode of the character to use when a missing glyph isn’t in any of the fallback fonts.

The default value of 0 produces the outline of a square.
Clear Dynamic Data on Build Clear all dynamic data and restore the font asset back to its default creation and empty state.
Disable Warnings Enable this if you don’t want to log a warning for every missing glyph.

Default Sprite Asset

After you create a sprit asset, you must place it in the path set to store all the sprite assets. You can set a default sprite asset and reference the sprites in the default sprite asset by index or sprite name.

프로퍼티 설명
Default Sprite Asset Sprite asset to use by default.
Missing Sprite Unicode Unicode of the sprite for a missing sprite.
Path Path to store all the sprite assets.

Sprite Asset Fallback

The fallback list set in the Panel Text Setting is called the global fallback. The local fallback set in the Sprite Asset has precedence over the global fallback list.

프로퍼티 설명
Sprite Asset Fallback List Add or remove a sprite asset in the fallback list. You can also drag the handles on the left side of any sprit asset to reorder the list.

Default Style Sheet

After you create a custom style sheet, you must place it in the path set to store all the custom style sheet assets.

프로퍼티 설명
Default Style Sheet Default style sheet to use by all text objects in the project.
Path Path to store all the custom style sheet assets.

Color Gradient Presets

Set the path to store all color gradients presets.

프로퍼티 설명
Path Path to store the Color Gradient presets.

Line Breaking for Asian Languages

To get correct line-breaking behavior for Asian languages, specify which characters behave as leading and following characters.

프로퍼티 설명
Leading Characters Specify the text file that contains the list of leading characters.
Following Characters Specify the text file that contains the list of following characters.
Korean Line Breaking Rules Enable this to use modern rules.

추가 리소스

Color gradients
Fallback font
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