Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어
Loading Resources at Runtime
스크립팅으로 소스 에셋 수정

스트리밍 에셋

Unity combines Scenes and Assets into binary files inside the generated Player when it builds the Project. However, you can place files into the normal filesystem on the target machine to make them available using a pathname. For example, for deploying a movie file on iOS devices, the original movie file must be available from a location in the filesystem to play using the PlayMovie function. This folder can also include AssetBundles that you intend to distribute directly in the Player installation, rather than downloading them on-demand.

Unity copies any files placed in the folder called StreamingAssets (case-sensitive) in a Unity Project verbatim to a particular folder on the target machine. To retrieve the folder, use the Application.streamingAssetsPath property. It’s always best to use Application.streamingAssetsPath to get the location of the StreamingAssets folder, because it always points to the correct location on the platform where the application is running.

Application.streamingAssetsPath에서 반환하는 위치는 플랫폼마다 다릅니다.

  • Most platforms (Unity Editor, Windows, Linux players) use Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets".
  • macOS player uses Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Data/StreamingAssets".
  • iOS uses Application.dataPath + "/Raw".
  • Android는 압축된 APK/JAR 파일 내에 있는 파일을 사용합니다("jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets").
  • On WebGL, Application.streamingAssetsPath returns a HTTP URL that points to the StreamingAssets/ path on the web server. For example, http://localhost:8000/unity_webgl_build/StreamingAssets/ is returned when your application is running against a local development server.

Accessing streaming assets

On Android and WebGL platforms, it’s not possible to access the streaming asset files directly via file system APIs and streamingAssets path because these platforms return a URL. Use the UnityWebRequest class to access the content instead.


  • The streamingAssets path is read-only. Don’t modify or write new files to the streamingAssets directory at runtime.
  • .dll and script files located in the StreamingAssets folder aren’t included during script compilation.
  • Asset Bundles and Addressables are alternative ways of accessing content that’s not part of regular game build data, and preferred over Streaming Assets folder.

Loading Resources at Runtime
스크립팅으로 소스 에셋 수정
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