Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어
Play Asset Delivery
Play Asset Delivery 설정

Unity의 에셋 팩

이 페이지에서는 Play Asset Delivery를 사용하는 Unity Android 애플리케이션 컨텍스트에서 에셋 팩이 작동하는 방법을 설명합니다.

Unity를 다음과 같이 설정하여 기본 모듈과 에셋 팩으로 분할된 애플리케이션을 포함하는 Android 앱 번들 (AAB)을 생성할 수 있습니다.

  • ** 기본 모듈**: 첫 번째 씬에서 실행 가능 파일(Java와 네이티브), 플러그인, 에셋을 포함합니다. 첫 번째 씬은 빌드 인덱스가 0인 씬입니다.
  • Asset packs: Contains everything else, including the remaining scenes, resources, and Streaming Assets. For more information about the asset packs that Unity generates at build time, refer to Generated asset packs.

Alongside the asset packs that Unity generates automatically, you can also create your own custom asset packs. This helps you to control which assets an asset pack contains. Unity adds your custom asset packs to the final AAB. For more information, refer to Custom asset packs.

생성된 에셋 팩

에셋 팩에는 다운로드 크기 제한이 있습니다. 이를 고려하기 위해 Unity는 추가 에셋 크기에 따라 에셋 팩이 생성되는 방법을 다음과 같이 변경합니다.

  • If the additional assets take less than 1GB of storage, Unity packs everything into a single asset pack that uses the install-time delivery mode and is called UnityDataAssetPack. If you don’t create any custom asset packs, this means that the device downloads the asset pack as part of the application installation and, when the user first launches the application, all assets are available.
  • If the additional assets take more than 1GB of storage, Unity adds Streaming Assets into one asset pack called UnityStreamingAssetPack and adds all other assets into the UnityDataAssetPack asset pack. Unity assigns the install-time delivery mode to the larger asset pack and assigns the fast-follow delivery mode to the smaller one.

중요: 이 에셋 팩 중 하나가 Google Play Store가 허용한 크기 제한 용량을 초과하는 경우 Unity는 경고를 표시하지만 빌드를 중단하지는 않습니다. 또한 Unity는 에셋 팩 크기를 개별적으로 확인하며 커스텀 에셋 팩에 대한 크기 확인은 수행하지 않습니다. 즉 Unity가 생성한 에셋 팩이 Google Play Store 제한에는 맞지만 커스텀 에셋 팩과의 조합이 Google Play Store에 너무 큰 경우 Unity는 경고나 오류를 표시하지 않습니다.

If you enable texture compression targeting, Unity generates an additional install-time asset pack called UnityTextureCompressionsAssetPack which includes common assets and the assets required by the first scene. Texture compression targeting doesn’t affect Streaming Assets so if you use Steaming Assets and enable texture compression targeting, Unity always packs Streaming Assets into a separate asset pack called UnityStreamingAssetPack. Unity does this regardless of whether your additional assets are over 1GB or not. Both UnityDataAssetPack and UnityStreamingAssetPack might end up as install-time or fast-follow asset packs depending on their size and the size of UnityTextureCompressionsAssetPack.

For asset packs that Unity automatically generates, Unity doesn’t support changing the delivery mode. If you want to change the delivery mode of an asset pack, create custom asset packs with your assets.

커스텀 에셋 팩

If you want to control which non-code resources are in a particular asset pack, you can create a custom asset pack. Unlike Unity-generated asset packs, you can set the delivery mode for custom asset packs. If you create a custom asset pack, be aware that the Google Play Store has size and quantity limits for asset packs. For information on the limits, refer to Download size limits.

To use custom asset packs with Addressables, you must extend the Addressables functionality. The Play Asset Delivery Addressables sample provides an example of how to do this. For more information, refer to the sample documentation.

추가 리소스

Play Asset Delivery
Play Asset Delivery 설정
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