Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어
애니메이션에서의 회전
외부 소스 애니메이션

Animation Clips

Animation Clips are one of the core elements to Unity’s animation system. Unity supports importing animation from external sources, and offers the ability to create animation clips from scratch within the editor using the Animation window.

Animation from External Sources

Animation clips imported from external sources could include:

  • Humanoid animations captured at a motion capture studio
  • Animations created from scratch by an artist in an external 3D application (such as Autodesk® 3ds Max® or Autodesk® Maya®)
  • Animation sets from 3rd-party libraries (eg, from Unity’s asset store)
  • Multiple clips cut and sliced from a single imported timeline.
An example of an imported animation clip, viewed in Unitys Inspector window
An example of an imported animation clip, viewed in Unity’s Inspector window

Animation Created and Edited Within Unity

Unity’s Animation Window also allows you to create and edit animation clips. These clips can animate:

  • The position, rotation and scale of GameObjects
  • Component properties such as material colour, the intensity of a light, the volume of a sound
  • Properties within your own scripts including float, integer, enum, vector and Boolean variables
  • The timing of calling functions within your own scripts
An example of Unitys Animation window being used to animate parameters of a component - in this case, the intensity and range of a point light
An example of Unity’s Animation window being used to animate parameters of a component - in this case, the intensity and range of a point light

  • 2017–10–02 페이지 수정됨

  • Integer properties within scripts can be animated in 2017.31 NewIn20173

  • 2D Button added to animation previewer 2017.3

애니메이션에서의 회전
외부 소스 애니메이션
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