Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어
Create an XR project
XR Origin

Set up an XR scene

To set up an XR scene, add an XR Rig, XR Origin, or AR Session Origin.

These objects are collections of GameObjects and components that provide a frame of reference for transforming spatial tracking data into the scene, including controlling the scene camera.

The XR Rig and XR Origin are very similar and serve the same purpose. The name has been changed to better reflect the object’s role in the Unity scene. In addition, the XR Origin component has replaced the Camera Offset component. The XR Origin component provides a few additional settings. See XR Origin component for more information.

The AR Session Origin serves as the spatial origin in an AR application. See AR Session Origin for more information. Note that the AR Session Origin is also being renamed to XR Origin (AR) in version 5 of the AR Foundation package.

선행 조건

Before you can set up a scene for XR, you must first:

  • Configure the project for XR.
  • Add the AR Foundation to the project, if you are developing an AR app.
  • Add the XR Interaction Toolkit package, if you are planning to use it (recommended).
  • If you are using the XR Interaction Toolkit, import the Starter Assets. These assets contain Input System actions and presets that you can use to configure XR controller input.

Set up a scene for XR

The basic steps to set up a scene for XR include:

  1. Create or open the Scene in the Unity Editor.
  2. Add an XR Rig, XR Origin, or AR Session Origin to the scene with the GameObject > XR menu. You will see different options in the menu depending on which XR packages you have added to your project. See XR Origin for a description of the available XR Origin options.
  3. Configure XR input. See XR input options for more information.

For AR projects, see Scene setup in the AR Foundation manual for additional set up steps and more detailed instructions.

For VR projects using the XR Interaction Toolkit, see General Setup in the Interaction Toolkit manual for additional information.

Create an XR project
XR Origin
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