Version: 2020.3
ShaderLab: assigning a LOD value to a SubShader
ShaderLab: assigning a name to a Pass

ShaderLab: defining a Pass

To define a Pass in ShaderLab, use a Pass block. This page contains information on using Pass blocks. For information on how a Shader object works, and the relationship between Shader objects, SubShaders and Passes, see Shader object fundamentals.


A Pass is the fundamental element of a Shader object. It contains instructions for setting the state of the GPU, and the shader programs that run on the GPU.

Simple Shader objects might contain only a single Pass, but more complex shaders can contain multiple Passes. You can use separate Passes to define parts of your Shader object that work differently; for example, parts that require a change to the render state, different shader programs, or a different LightMode Pass tag.

Note: In render pipelines based on the Scriptable Render Pipeline, you can use a RenderStateBlock to change the render state on the GPU, without requiring a separate Pass.

렌더 파이프라인 호환성

Feature name 빌트인 렌더 파이프라인 유니버설 렌더 파이프라인(URP) 고해상도 렌더 파이프라인(HDRP) Custom SRP
ShaderLab: Pass block 지원 지원 지원 지원

Using the Pass block

To define a regular Pass in ShaderLab, you place a Pass block inside a SubShader block.

Inside the Pass block, you can:

You can also define two special types of Pass, using the UsePass or GrabPass commands. For information on those commands, see ShaderLab commands: UsePass or ShaderLab commands: GrabPass.

Signature 기능
    <optional: name>
 <optional: tags>
    <optional: commands>
   <optional: shader code>
Defines a Pass.


This example code demonstrates the syntax for creating a Shader object that contains a single SubShader, which in turn contains a single Pass.

Shader "Examples/SinglePass"
              Name "ExamplePassName"
              Tags { "ExampleTagKey" = "ExampleTagValue" }

              // ShaderLab commands go here.

              // HLSL code goes here.
ShaderLab: assigning a LOD value to a SubShader
ShaderLab: assigning a name to a Pass
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